
  1. B.S. in Computer Engineering May 2018 — Jan 2023

    University of Mazandaran

    - GPA: 3.60/4 (16.94/20.00)

Research Interest

    - Machine Learning

    - Natural Language Processing

    - Data Mining

    - Internet of Things

    - Image Processing

    - Robotics

Honor & Rewards

  1. Spring 2022

    - Ranked 1st in Internet of Things, among 40+ students

    - Called as one of the BEST Teacher Assistant in last 10 years at Computer Engineering Faculty

    - Ranked 1st in Cloud Computing, among 30+ students

    - Presenter of a conference about OpenFaaS framework and how to run Functions as Service with it

    - Presenter of a conference with the topic "An Introduction to the next generation of codec(H.266)"

  2. Fall 2021

    - Ranked 1st in Data Mining, among 30+ students

    - Ranked 2nd in Fundamentals and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, among 35+ students

  3. Summer 2021

    - Invited Referee for Robotic competitions in 4adateam

    - Holder of Become Creative competition in Iran

  4. Spring 2021

    - Ranked 1st in Research and Presentation Method, among 50+ students

    - Ranked 1st in Fundamentals of Computational Intelligence, among 35+ students

  5. Spring 2019

    - Ranked 1st in Python Advanced Programming, among 45+ students

  6. Summer 2018

    - Ranked top 2% of the Nationwide Matriculation Exam (Konkoor)

Research & Practical Experiences

  1. An IoT based solution for better AQI in indoors Spring-Summer 2022 University of Mazandaran

    - A solution to create an intelligent IoT node which measures the following gasses in indoors

    - Temperature and Humidity, Smoke detection, Quality of air, Alcohol, ethanol, Carbon monoxide

    - Arduino Mega, Wi-Fi Module, DHT11, MQ2, MQ3, MQ5, MQ7, MQ135, Fan, DC Converter, LCD Character Display, Buzzer, and LED make up the node’s hardware

  2. Coordinator of 12+ IoT projects at IoT lab Winter-Spring 2022 University of Mazandaran

    - 12+ groups of last semester undergraduate students have implemented various IoT projects under my supervision at the IoT lab

  3. Assessing FaaS applications’ operation Fall-Winter 2022-2023 University of Mazandaran

    - The purpose is to compare FaaS applications such as OpenFaaS, Fission, Apache Open-Whisk in implementation, work efficiency, pricing and their architecture

Teaching Experience

    · University of Mazandaran

    - Internet of Things40+ students

    - Data Mining 40+ students

    - Advanced programming 30+ students

    · Teacher at 4adateam academy

    - Python workshop 10+ students

    - Internet of Things 100+ students

    - Python programming 60+ students

Work Experience

  1. 4adateam Academy June 2021 - March 2022

    • - Manager of Python programming department
    • - Executive manager of Become creative competition

      - Held in Iran

      - Responsibilities: Manager, designer and the organizer of the competition

    • - Python programming language teacher
    • - Internet of Things teacher

      - An IoT boot camp held every season and it is supported by Iran’s top companies

      - Mentor of students in the implementation of their projects

  2. University of Mazandaran October 2021-Present

    • - Teacher Assistant in Programming Lab(Python, Matlab), Data Mining, Internet of Things
    • - Research Assistant in IoT Lab and Software Lab
    • - Internet of Things laboratory manager

      - In charge of the IoT lab at UMZ

      - Head of students in implementing IoT projects

    • - Students’ mentor in the IoT laboratory


  1. With the help of Vector Space Model(VSM), a predictor designed which can predict the country's capital based on its name with the Vector relation it found between other countries' and their capitals

  2. Both Logistic Regression and Naive Bayes' classifier have been implemented to classify tweets according to their positive or negative sentiment

  3. Brief research has been conducted on the implementation of various smells, and the necessary data for future work has been compiled into a dataset

  4. Air Quality IndexInternet of Things, Group Project [Winter-Spring 2022]

    The project involves researching an IoT solution to monitor and control indoor air quality

  5. Implementation of LZW algorithm Multimedia Systems, Personal Project [Spring 2022]

    Python has been used to implement both the coder and decoder portions of the LZW algorithm

  6. Implementation of RLC algorithm Multimedia Systems, Personal Project [Spring 2022]

    The objective was accomplished by implementing the RLC and RLE components of the Run Length algorithm

  7. Implementation of Huffman algorithmMultimedia Systems, Personal Project [Spring 2022]

    In this project, the Huffman codec algorithm has been fully implemented in Python

  8. Internet of Things projectsInternet of Things, Group Projects [Winter-Spring-Summer 2022]

    With my assistance, 10+ teams have implemented 10+ IoT projects in various domains

  9. Genetic algorithm implementation Intro. to Computational Intelligence, Personal Project [Spring 2021]

    An implementation of the genetic algorithm from scratch, without the assistance of pre-built modules containing this algorithm. In this project we wanted to find the global maximum of a given function with the help of genetic algorithm.

  10. Evolutionary Strategy algorithm Intro. to Computational Intelligence, Personal Project [Spring 2021]

    The ES algorithm for locating the minimum of a given function has been implemented. The main part of this project was to implement the algorithm without help of any third-party modules.

  11. Backpropagation Algorithm Intro. to Computational Intelligence, Personal Project [Spring 2021]

    The IRIS data set from the sklearn module was used to implement the Backpropagation algorithm from scratch, with no assistance from additional modules

  12. MNIST Dataset with MLP Intro. to Computational Intelligence, Personal Project [Spring 2021]

    The objective of this project was to train an MLP model for prediction using the MNIST data set

  13. AI Classical Search Intro. to Artificial Intelligence, Personal Project [Fall 2021]

    Used Python to implement a module containing ***BFS, DFS, Greedy, UCS, A* etc*** algorithm. These algorithms have been implemented on the 8 puzzle problem as the default problem.

  14. MNIST digits dataset classification Data Mining, Personal Project [Fall 2021]

    Used Python and Digits dataset from SKLearn module and different ready to use algorithm like KNN, RandomForest, Naive Bayes, Decision Tree, XGboost and LinearRegression to train the digits' dataset to create an estimator which can predict and classify the input image. I've done similar project in Matlab Workshop course as well.

  15. Neural Network Algorithm Intro. to Computational Intelligence, Personal Project [Spring 2021]

    Used Python to implement NN Algorithm from zero to hero.

  16. Shop Center Application Advanced Programming, Personal Project [Spring 2019]

    Used Python to implement a Windows Shop Center application. This application has three part, customer, store manager and main manager. I have used Sqlite3 for database and QT for its GUI.

  17. File Manager Application Advanced Programming, Personal Project [Spring 2019]

    With this application you can easily manage main and basic work of a file manager like, deleting or adding a new directory or file, change directory easily and create text files and its texts and many more.

My skills

    Programming/Scripting Applications Other Skills
    • - Python
      • - Pandas
      • - Numpy

      • - SKlearn
      • - NLTK

      • - Jupyter
      • - Pytorch
    • - Matlab
    • - C/C++
    • - Octave
    • - Django
    • - Bootstrap/JS
    • - HTML5/CSS3
    • - SQLite
    • - SQLALchemy
    • - Mendely
    • - Kubernetes
    • - OpenFaaS
    • - Fission
    • - Docker
    • - Freetzing
    • - Arduino
    • - Google Colab
    • - QT Designer
    • - Anaconda
    • - Pycharm
    • - VSCode
    • - Git
    • - Camtasia
    • - Proteus
    • - Trello
    • - Matlab
    • - MS Office
    • - IoT
    • - Raspberry Pi
    • - WordPress
    • - Arduino
    • - LaTeX
    • - Assembly

Selected Courses

  1. University of Mazandaran

    - Cloud Computing (20/20), Internet of Things (20/20), Data Transmission (18.5/20), Multimedia Systems (18/20), Data Mining(20/20), Computational Intelligence (20/20), Research and Presentation (20/20), Advanced Programming (20/20), Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (19/20)

  2. Coursera

    Machine Learning

    - Instructor Andrew Ng offered by Stanford University

    Natural Language Processing with Classification and Vector Spaces

    - Instructor Younes Bensouda Mourri offered by Stanford University

    Natural Language Processing with Probabilistic Models

    - Instructor Younes Bensouda Mourri offered by Stanford University

    Supervised Machine Learning: Regression and Classification

    - Instructor Andrew Ng offered by Stanford University

    Advanced Learning Algorithms

    - Instructor Andrew Ng offered by Stanford University

    Unsupervised Learning, Recommenders, Reinforcement Learning

    - Instructor Andrew Ng offered by Stanford University

    Neural Networks and Deep Learning

    - Instructor Andrew Ng offered by DeepLearning.AI

    Structuring Machine Learning Projects

    - Instructor Andrew Ng offered by DeepLearning.AI

    AI For Everyone

    - Instructor Andrew Ng offered by DeepLearning.AI

Language Skills

  1. English: IELTS - Band 7

    Persian: Native